Friday 3 October 2014


hello folks, i'm sure you need no reminder that it's friday but all the same i'll scream it out TGIF... lolz, please remember to always leave a comment after reading, you can also drop a testimony on the testimony section of my Blog. God bless you and as you read, may your lives be transformed.

It is an open secret that when God is set to bless a man he usually positions him at a spot where he can be divinely located. A lot of people have remained in poverty and penury for so long because they have stepped out of their point of divine location.  A classic example is that of Gehazi, Gehazi could easily have been the greatest prophet that ever lived.  

Look at it this way, Elijah was a great prophet and is still being spoken about till date,  we remember vividly when there was faminie in the land and God sent him to a brook, and there ravens fed him, (when you are in your place of divine location you cannot go hungry.)  In 2kings 2:9 when he was to be taken up to heaven, Elisha his servant ran after him and asked for double portion of his anointing, Elisha did not stop pursuing his master, despite various persuasions to stop, until he got to his point of Divine location. Elisha then became one of the greatest prophets that ever lived with his bones raising the dead, Gehazi his servant was next to become a great prophet, but we see in 2kings 5:20 how he ran off after Naaman, unlike his master Elisha, thereby leaving his place of Divine location, and the consequence was  he became a leper. His destiny got truncated because he left his place of Divine location.

Abraham couldn’t get blessed as long as he remained in his home town. God had to tell him. “get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house unto a land that i would shew thee and I would make of thee a great nation, and I would bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be blessed.”  (Gen 12:1-2.) His getting blessed was tied to him getting out of his comfort zone and getting into his point of divine location. Abraham still made a slight error by taking his cousin with him and sooner than later they began to have issues, so they eventually had to separate, Lot took the land that was seemingly greener and was to fare better, but because Abraham was at his point of divine location he flourished and was richer and better than Lot who eventually lost everything he had.

Acts 1:4-8 Jesus told his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem, and they would receive the Holy Ghost. They needed to stay in their place of divine location to get allocated with their portion of destiny. They obeyed and stayed put and had an encounter with the Holy Ghost that took them from zero to becoming heroes. Just a few weeks earlier we saw peter vehemently deny that he knew Jesus but after that divine encounter on the day of Pentecost, Peter turned into a fearless apostle who kept preaching Jesus even to the point of death.

People of God, it’s your season of Divine Location, and i emplore you to take care to listen to  all divine instructions seriously this season, you don’t want to be missing when it’s your time to be located, be prayerful and don’t leave your point of Divine location.. and if you're in the wrond place, Begin to ask God to lead you to your point of divine location. because  


God bless you... Have a lovely weekend


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