Wednesday 18 December 2013


Compliments of the season people of God, it’s a few days to Christmas and already celebrations are in high gear, lot’s to eat and drink and people travelling here and there, we celebrate with our families and have fun all the way. As much as it is good to bask in this season, it is also a time for reflection and deep thinking. Many of us celebrate without knowing the Reason for the Season.

I took the liberty to ask a few people what Christmas means to them and the answers I got scared me. To some Christmas is a time to have fun and be merry, to children it is a time to see father Christmas and collect gifts, to some it’s a period where their business booms and they make twice the normal profit on their goods and services, sadly, only very few people remember that’s it’s a period set apart to celebrate the birth of Jesus (yes we know he wasn’t born in December, but we have chosen that date to celebrate him nevertheless).

Christmas is first and foremost about Jesus and then it is about you. If we have chosen dec 25th to celebrate the birth of Christ then it is time we began to actually celebrate him on that day and not just concentrate on having fun without Jesus Christ.
The next question is why was Jesus born? The bible makes us to understand that Jesus was born to save his people from their sin, in other words he came to reconcile man back to God. If Jesus was born for your sake, then it means the reason for Christmas is you. Not just you but your salvation brought about by the birth of Jesus Christ.

Finally the big question; how do we celebrate Christmas? Christmas is indeed a time for celebration but knowing the reason for the season we should take care in order not to grieve the spirit of God in our actions. If you were celebrating your birthday you don’t do things that will make u cry, instead everyone does things to make you happy. You are made the centre of the day and everything revolves around you. Same it should be if we decide to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Let all we do reflect him and make him happy.

So this season I encourage you to have three attitudes:

1.       I want you to feel special because Jesus Christ came specifically because of you. He had you in mind when he came and that’s why you are saved today.


2.       I want you to extend a hand of fellowship to the unsaved in other to give Christmas a meaning to them also.


3.       Show love by giving in any measure you can to friends, family, strangers and especially the needy.

God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Christ stil remains the reason for the season and the hope of our salvation..


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