Monday 25 November 2013


"I'M SORRY" some persons refer to it as the Magic wand in a relationship or the magic word, if there ever was to be any combination of words that keeps a relationship on the right part it is these two

"I'M SORRY". You can't be too proud not to say it when you are guilty and even in occasions when you are not guilty say it still it doesn't reduce your pedestal or personality. Study has shown (don't ask me by whom, where or when ooo) that majority of times when hurt people listen to "I'M SORRY" it doesn't matter if you hear words like I would never do it again or that's the last time or many other words of repentance, the simplicity of these two words usually provides comfort for the grieving/hurt/wronged person.

now a quick one to some people who would say but i didn't do anything wrong? but your partner feels grieved/hurt/wronged right? it still doesn't mean, you need to learn to use the magic words. You and I know saying I am sorry or apologizing for something you did not do hurts but say it anyway if that's the sacrifice you give to keep your relationship going then its worth it, saying it wouldn't take away your dignity.(or would it? i seriously doubt. but if it does then you need to do some growing up and fast!)

however, If you are guilty then you must be ready to say "I AM SORRY " as many times as possible until your mate gets to reason with you. 

No relationship is flawless, so don't expect too much just pray to God in hoping for the best for you and your partner and prepare your heart to forgive when the worst arises.


(A soft answer turneth away wrath.)


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