Friday 22 November 2013


Relationships and sex happen to be the most talked about topics in today's world especially amongst youth circles, and yet there is still so much shadow surrounding these issues. like i always maintain, a relationship should lead towards marriage and if that's not the plan then i wonder at the purpose of the relationship.
many peeps just wanna have fun and move on... if you're in that category you can politely take your leave, but for those who really wanna do things God's way then you're welcome to this Series, over the next few weeks we'll be examining receipies for a Godly relationship and how we can make our relationship blossom into an expected end(marriage)
first things first

introductory recipe

There is a difference between getting in a relationship and getting on it. 

Remember the word " IN" and " ON". 

Once you are in a relationship the mentality that you are in it with someone helps you understand that you can no longer take decisions on your own, the idea of "self" is now obsolete, everything you do will have to carry the word "Us". Its not totally about you any more. When you are getting on a relationship the mentality differs, because its like riding on a bike, the rider is in charge so also it is with getting on a relationship. The idea is that its all about you, you are the special one either because of your looks, your brain or your wealth and money either way you are in total control. People who ride on their relationship sometimes do it on purpose because its a part of who they are or unknowingly because do not know themselves well and such people don't know they are bossy or controlling as well. Getting on a relationship means you mount them, grab them by the hair, and start kicking the relationship on the sides until you get What you want. Jesus got in a relationship with His disciples, this is the reason the soldiers couldn't differentiate Him from them during the arrest. Get in a relationship today not on it so your spouse can be your equal not your servant. 


(Humility in a relationship is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.)

 Thank you very much for taking time out to read this and if you liked it i encourage you to share with your friends and leave your comments. watch out for recipe 1(The Magic Ingredient)

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