Thursday 14 March 2013


She tightened d noose around her neck, about to kick away d stool,
She remembered wat pushed her to dis, it was still like a dream to her... 
She forgot d bible in his house, it was going to be used in d wedding,
She had to go retrieve it, it was impossible to reach both his lines...
She decided to go to his place herself, it was raining but she had to go,
She got to his door drooping wet, i have to get dry she thought...
She stepped in using her own key, and heard lovemaking sounds from d left wing,
She cautiously climbed d steps, passed d bar and went to his door,
She pushed d door open and froze, her fiance was sodomizing her sister,
She screamed and blundered into d room,they barely looked at her and continued,
She screamed at her sister, all her sister said was "oh baby don't stop!!!".
She stumbled out of d room, went to d sitting room drawer and reached in,
She felt d reassuring cold butt of his revolver, checking to make sure it was loaded,
She went back up d steps.....

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