Sunday 5 May 2013


Naija I hail thee
A fatherland that scares the children away
Naija I hail thee
A land filled with milk and honey, yet her children die of hunger
Naija I hail thee
A once upon a time giant, now crawling on her limbs
How art thou fallen?
I know thy works
How thou art begotten the high and mighty
How thou art begotten the nobles who reign in the high places
How thou art sheltered the children of thy neighbours
How thou art given them bread and covered their nakedness

I know thy Pains
Thou art  being held captive and thy cities, desolate
Thou art laboured but thy harvest is continually stolen
Thou art rich, yet the poorest
Thy children are killed daily and their mother raped
Yet in all these, thou art still strong

who shall deliver thee from thy captivity?
who shall build thy desolate cities?
Who shall save thy children from further annihilation?
For how long will thy cry continue oh, Nigeria?
How long will thou continue to say 'its well, when it isn't?

Arise, Arise!
Put on thy strength O Nigeria;
Shake thyself from the dust
And shine again!
Thy better days are here
Thy God shall renew thy strength and make you soar again

As for thy Oppressors
May they live long in sickness to see thy good days
May they see thy harvest, but not eat thereof
May they not die, but let their children become fatherless
May their home become desolate and their pillows filled with tears
For there is no peace for the wicked

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