Thursday 6 November 2014


A good number of Families today spends more time with various
kinds of activities and little or nothing with their immediate family.
Many times, WE do this on assumption that We have to keep the
family together unknown to Us that We are or We'll be successfully
tearing the family Apart...
... Many Parents spend so Much time trying to make a Career or
Money and build a standard of Living for themselves and Family and
many times fail to know or sense it that their family needs more of
their time than whatever it is they're chasing, and thus, requires a
Balance between all they do.
Greg Carlin had shared His experience with the World sometime ago
as he was on board a Polish Airliner which had taken off from New
York to Warsaw with about 231 Passengers which had to do an
emergency landing after trying for over an hour to activate its
landing GEAR but to no avail and landed the flight without the wheels
using its engines as a runner thus, Belly landed...
... He said he (and other passengers I suppose) had prepared
themselves for the worse. He had even sent a formal GOODBYE to
His wife and children from his cell phone. The Belly Landing of the
flight was successful all passengers had to exit the flight but as soon
as He stepped down, He became much more EMOTIONAL about his
Family and further appreciated being with them more.
Friends, Greg Carlin had concluded with this words when He met with
his Family "Try to take a little more time for the IMPORTANT things
of Life because it could all be GONE in a SECOND" - YOUR Family
would miss YOU if YOU're gone in a SECOND. Every Second is worth
a Life time of Memories if YOU use it Fine. Know their Importance,
Make them YOUR Priority.
Life is too SHORT to take LONG Chances - Give YOUR children a reason
to call YOU the BEST.
Much love guys, have a wonderful weekend ahead...


  1. Nice one...Tofi I've repented o,I'm now reading all your posts once I get notification...nd I hope my comment shows,lolz

    1. thanks op... iappreciate... welcome to the roller coaster of inspiration...

  2. Oh Tof.... this is good...

    1. thanks a million mmb... looking forward to seeing you when next you're in lagos


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