Thursday 23 April 2015


Calvary greetings to my very lovely friends, family, well wishers and fans, and even first time readers,

I know the topic seems kinda scary but I must say it is a topic that needs to be talked about.

I'll be talking from several perspectives during these episodes and I hope you all flow along with me as I attempt to look at things from an angle that defies the status quo. The articles will also not be lengthy but just enough to spark up new patterns of reasoning

Disclaimer: Please I know I might offend the Religious sensibilities of some people, please pardon me, it is not a religious post and I am simply committed to viewing things as they are:
Finally my aim is to Demystify Death and thus making death lose it's power on the child of God. Join me on this series

What exactly is death? the Dictionary defines death as- the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
 and truly for all intent and purposes this definition serves

Now the truth is this: even from primary school days or was it early secondary school days when we were taught attributes of living things (MR NIGER D) we have all known that death is the final end of man. however, although intellectually we all know that one day we shall die, generally we are so reluctant to think of our death that this knowledge does not touch our hearts, and we live our life as if we were going to be in this world forever.

As a result the things of this world – such as material possessions, reputation, popularity, and the pleasures of the senses – become of paramount importance, so we devote almost all our time and energy to obtaining them and engage in many negative actions for their sake. We are so preoccupied with the concerns of this life that there is little room in our mind for genuine spiritual practice. When the time of death actually arrives we discover that by having ignored death all our life we are completely unprepared.

My dad's favourite saying on death is: "It is only a fool that does not prepare for what he cannot avoid"

he would at intervals call us and say, when I die, I want you to do this and do that... as at the time I was 15years old, I knew my father wanted to be buried anywhere he died, he didn't want any transporting of his body from one state to the other and most importantly he didn't want anyone to borrow even a kobo to bury him. by the way i'm in my late 20's now and my dad is still very much alive and well, but we all know what to do and what steps to take if he dies, or if his wife(of course my mum) dies or if they both die.

Another recent case is that handled by one of my Pastors(I won't say his name for confidential reasons) where by the time the man died, his family rushed in with a list of all the man's proiperties to make sure the wife didn't hide anything. they stripped this woman empty even before the burial, then proceded to put her through all sort of inhumane experiences in this age and time all in the name of culture.

There have been several other scenarios of people who die unexpectedly leaving their family with huge bills to settle in burial and other things, there have been cases of people who have numerous assets but die without disclosure hence their family live in poverty after their deaths.

Hence my first conclusion for today is simple: I won't in anyway stop anyone from praying for longlife  but While Praying For Long life and prosperity, start preparing for death... make physical plans to have your estate in order, to take care of family and children (if any) basically do all you can to make life easier for those you will leave behind...

Inspiration Is The Gateway To Transformation

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