Saturday 25 April 2015


I hope you enjoyed Episode 1 and i hope you got blessed? if you want me to expantiate more on how you can prepare for death like i suggested in episode 1 stay tuned and i'm sure by the end of the series you will be better educated.

Today's episode is titled Why Long Life?

First of all please don't get me wrong i am not against people having a full and long life, what i am against is having a long life void of impact. i feel like of what use is it living till 120 years of age as a liability being carried about, what use is it being 75years old and you are a security man on a street earning less than 5,000 a month and you are still praying for long life? i feel somehow when you see 80years old men living under the bridge or on the streets(you think i'm exagerrating? you need to visit Lagos) and still praying for long life. Long life is good, but why not make it worth it?

Many times i thank God that he doesn't think like man, because if he did i'm quite sure many who have failed to discover purpose would have been withdrawn from the earth long ago... however that's a conversation for another day.

Why long life? when next you decide to pray for long life, imagine God asking you why do you want to live long? and watch out for your answers

i came across a post by a Pastor Friend of mine that asked a factual question that i throw to you today...
Which is the better prayer: TO DIE OLD
                                      TO DIE EMPTY

in other words it is possible for one to live to very old age and yet not use up to 30percent of the potentials deposited in him. to me that is a wasted life; however one can  die at a relatively young age and yet have lived life to it's fullest capacity, emptying all his/her God given ability into the world in the time spent here on earth.

Jesus Died at the age of 33 and yet you would agree with me that  he had fulfilled purpose on earth
Archbishop Idahosa died at the age of 60 and you would agree with me that he had lived life to capacity.
Myles Munroe also died at the age of 60 and if you think he didn't fulfill purpose then think again

Now while i would personally have loved that these people had lived longer(so i could get to meet them personally and get impacted more) yet their minisrty proves they left lasting legacies behind.

hence, a long life does not automatically mean a fulfilled life. neither does the fact that a person doesn't live to be 80, 90 or 100 years old mean that he didn't fulfil destiny.

My conclusion on the matter is this, longlife is good, but make sure it's purpose driven, in the words of Myles Munroe(1954-2014) " the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without purpose"
so when next you open your mouth to pray ask yourself, Do i pray to to die old or to die empty?
God Bless You.  have a great weekend

Inspiration is the Gateway to Transformation

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